Steve Reeve is one of the founding members of our VWorks site in Portsmouth. Providing sales and leadership training to companies such as Philips, UPS, Seagate Technologies and the AA, Steve uses a unique method to drive success for his clients.
Steve has recently been named as the Leadership Development Specialists of the Year in the Corporate Livewire Innovation and Excellence Awards, and was announced in December as the Best Sales & Leadership Development Specialists – UK in the Corporate Vision Coaching and Recruitment Awards.
Steve's Business
As the name of his business suggests, Sporting Difference combines proven business practice with methods used by high performing sports teams. Steve has worked with football clubs, interviewing managers, coaches, players and athletes to understand their methodical approach to motivation, skill development and discipline.
Business skills, driven by the energy and attention to detail so common in sport, is a powerful combination, and it’s now available to VWorks members.
How Does He Do It?
Even if you don’t like football, I’m sure you’re familiar with how a free kick works. Place the ball on the ground, walk backwards, run forwards, plant the non-striking foot next to the ball, swing the striking foot to connect with the ball and wait for the cheers. That same process is used by hungover players on a Sunday morning at a community pitch near you, and also by the best players on the planet who are thrilling millions in games broadcast worldwide from state-of-the-art stadiums. You can’t execute a free kick in any other way, those five steps in that order or it will go horribly wrong. Imagine trying to swing the kicking foot before the other foot is planted!
So what’s the difference between David Beckham and Sam who plays for Lager Louts United? The process is the same, but the level of skills used to execute the process are miles apart. The same is true of any skills-based activity. They can all be broken into a process (often called ‘Best Practice’) and, once that’s been agreed, the skills needed to execute each element of the process can be identified, assessed and improved.
If your role is in sales or leadership, the key skill required is communication as you need the ability to get others to take action. As a salesperson, you want someone to do something which means they buy your product. As a leader, you want someone to do something which benefits the team/department/company. So all you need is a communication process, and an analysis of the skills needed to execute it, and you will have a more successful way of getting your point across.
If you’re uncomfortable with selling, whether it’s ideas or products and services, or you simply want to get better at it, having that process firmly embedded in your head enables you to recognise where you are in the process and what comes next. That’s what I do, I show people that process and how it can be applied, then I go into the detail of each skill element which builds ability and confidence.
Steve's Programme
A common challenge to many small businesses is how to sell, without being too salesy. Most people don’t want to be considered a salesperson, but selling is what generates revenue, so it has to be done! Steve’s approach is the opposite to what most regard selling to be. He believes that if you understand your customers, and offer them what they are looking for, no selling is required… the customer simply decides they want to work with you.
His programme shows you how to do just that, in simple steps and with real-world examples. The programme covers nine key skills and is delivered one per week for nine weeks. This gives time for each skill to be understood and practised before moving on to the next skill.
Exclusive VWorks Member Offer
Normally selling at £349, Steve is pleased to offer VWorks members an exclusive discount - with access to the programme for just £199. If you’d like to know more you can take a look at Steve’s programme here, where there’s also a taster session so you can experience the structure and style of the programme.
That experience is normally £49, but we’ve agreed with Steve you can have that for no cost using the code EXPERIENCE4FREE, and if you go on to purchase the full programme, VWORKS150 will give you the discount we’ve agreed with Steve.
Get in touch with Steve